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    6 Tips to Help Build Strong Bonds for Siblings of Kids with Autism

    Let’s Build Strong Bonds! Hey, hey, hey! How’s it going, peeps? Today, I want to chat with you about something super important: helping out our awesome brothers and sisters who have siblings with autism. Yup, it’s all about building those strong bonds and creating a kick-ass support system. So, let’s dive right in and get this party started! First off, let me tell you, having a sibling with autism can be a wild ride. It’s like being on a roller coaster that never stops. But you know what? It’s also an opportunity for us to make a real difference in their lives. So, how can we do that? Well, let…

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    How to Deal with Change in Autism

    How to Deal with Change in Autism Hey there! Life is full of surprises and changes, and for folks on the autism spectrum, dealing with these transitions can be a bit trickier. Autism brings unique challenges when it comes to adapting to new situations. But fear not! In this blog, we’ll explore some cool tips and tricks on how to handle change like a champ, autism style! Tip 1: Embrace Predictability Embrace Predictability (But Not Too Much!): Okay, we know that routine is like a comforting blanket for people with autism. It provides stability and a sense of control. So, when change is on the horizon, try to introduce predictability…

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    5 Activities to Maintain Eye Contact

    5 Activities to Maintain Eye Contact and Increase Attention Maintaining eye contact is one of the major struggles of children with autism.  But why is eye contact important to children with autism?  Poor eye contact creates barriers that make their communication and social aspects dysfunctional. This problem, if not addressed, will persist for a lifetime. How do you help your child increase their eye contact? Here are 5 helpful activities to start with: 1. Discover your child’s preferences.  What are his favorite toys?  What are the activities he likes doing?  What are his favorite foods?  These preferences can be useful tools to create a platform of activities for building eye…

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    How to Prepare for an IEP Meeting as a Parent

    What is IEP and Why do you need to attend the meeting? IEP or Individualized Education Program is a plan or program developed by allied educators (e.g. Special Education Teacher, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Counselor, Social Worker, etc) and parents or caregivers for an individual with an identified disability who receives specialized instruction and related services in a school.  An IEP is an important document that your child needs to have in order to come up with goals and plans that should be met at the end of the year.  The content of the IEP should be agreed upon by educators and parents.  Imagine if an architect or engineer doesn’t have a blueprint, how can…

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    How to Teach Self-Regulation

    What is Self-Regulation? Self-regulation is the ability to control and transform one’s self-thinking, perception, body, and emotions into tasks related skills. Most children with autism have difficulty regulating as their senses are wired differently. ‘ Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people behave, interact, communicate, and learn. Self-regulation is one of the basic skills that our children need to learn. With this, they will be able to focus on tasks and learn from parents, teachers, therapists, peers, and their surroundings. Every one of us needs to regulate! Have you been to school and tapped your pen while your mind is flowing somewhere? Your teacher…

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    What to Do After Diagnosis of Autism?

    Have you felt this way after the diagnosis? Have you felt confused, aimless, perplexed, defensive, demotivated, or helpless after finding out the diagnosis? Research reported that parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) felt confused and conflicted with overwhelming information about the diagnosis and how to help their child whether in school or at home (source: “Empowering Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Amanda Webster). You have seen piles of report but you don’t have a clue on how to begin and what to do first? Feelings run from uncertainty, tremendous stress, and frustration. Right? You are not alone! Many parents feel this way. I’m here to show…

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    How To Cure Autism At Home

    Here’s how to cure autism in your own home… Autism is not curable. It is not flu that when given medication, will be gone. Autism is a lifelong neurological disorder that can be improved with intervention, support, and proper education. If it is lifelong, the approach to further improve lifestyle should be embedded in child’s daily routine at home and in school. With proper education, there are strategies that can help a child acquire new skills and overcome challenges in life. If you want to learn deeper information about autism strategies that work, check out my downloadable E-book about “How To Homeschool Your Child With Autism”. I listed so many…

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    What is Early Intervention for Autism

    What is Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder? Once diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, educational support needs to be given immediately.  Intervention is taking an action to improve one’s condition. EARLY intervention is giving children educational support at an early age.  Usually, a child is diagnosed at the age of 2, more or less. Giving early intervention to children with autism spectrum disorder is crucial for their overall development.  Since children grow their brains rapidly at an early age, giving early intervention will help them develop social skills, work habits, adaptive skills, and many more.  Imagine if we don’t give an early intervention to children with special needs and they enter school…

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    Life Quotes Short

    When things get tough, quotes give us hope! Here are 7 quotes to inspire you! Stay positive Being positive is hard to do. Right? Especially if you are in the midst of all the problems. But that is what we need in life! Most of the time we do not control the things around us. We cannot control how others have to react and feel. We cannot say that YOU NEED TO BE LIKE THIS!!! This will end in frustration! What should you do? Do your best! If you think you have done your part to make things better, relax! Stay Positive! Even if we have done your part and things…

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    Why are Schedules Important in Autism?

    Do you know that a daily schedule makes a child with autism manageable and calmer? Imagine if we don’t have schedules to follow in our daily work? Our job will be chaotic and disorganized. Here are some reasons why schedules help them in their daily life. 1. Helps them feel safe in the environment 2. Activities seen in the schedule are predictable. They can anticipate what’s coming next rather than get overwhelmed and surprised about a sudden change in the routine. 3.  It is less confusing for them. 4. Individuals with autism have problems with organization. Showing them a schedule may help them organize their thoughts. 5. Not only that…