Life Quotes Short

When things get tough, quotes give us hope! 
Here are 7 quotes to inspire you!

Stay positive

Being positive is hard to do. Right? Especially if you are in the midst of all the problems. But that is what we need in life! 

Most of the time we do not control the things around us. We cannot control how others have to react and feel. We cannot say that YOU NEED TO BE LIKE THIS!!!

This will end in frustration!

What should you do? 

Do your best! If you think you have done your part to make things better, relax! Stay Positive!

Even if we have done your part and things didn't turn out well... it's not the end of the world! There will always be a second time around! There is always hope!

Sometimes, all we need to do is think that everything will turn out well and that things will be better next time. 

Being a positive thinker will help you get a clearer and unclouded mind, which in turn will give you a better mind to think. 

So stay positive. All people on earth have problems!!! You are not alone! So, cheer up and stay positive!

Never Give up! Never!

This is one of my life's mottos! This works for me all the time!!!

Why do I like this? Because in all our endeavors, whether it's about studying, love life, or family struggles, there will always be hurdles in life. It doesn't come smoothly. It will always have obstacles along the way before you reach your final goal.

Because there are struggles in every goal you reach. you need to have positive mindset and tell yourself that giving up is not your option. if you give up, your mind is telling you that you cannot do it. 

Easily said than done, right?

But I've had soooo many struggles in life! This quote pushes me to reach my finish line! 

When I was in college, I had to travel 2 hours going to my school and then another 2 hours to go back home just for traveling alone! I had NO money (or at least I have money to eat a single meal for almost 14 hours!!!) I have to travel 5 am in the morning and would reach home by 9 or 10 pm. Then, another day starts again and I have to travel at the same time and the same way every day. I've been like that for 4 years, with little money in my pocket! I also had to work while studying just to keep up with the tuition fee. 

My life's struggles didn't end that way, I pursued my master's degree because if I stay in college, I would know where my future would lead me. So I had my struggles again. 5 years of my master's degree. I studied while working, struggling to keep up with tuition fees, assignments, traveling again, and thesis writing. I almost gave up! But I told myself... I would never, never give up! 

Our life will always have problems. it is how we think and deal with it that makes our life more interesting and challenging. 

Take a deep breath. God is in control. He has been there where you are heading to. 

Do you know that when you take a deep breath several times, it releases a hormone that relaxes your mind? 

Breathing is a powerful technique to combat stress. 

When I was having swollen muscles on my right hand for 6 months!! Yes... I endure the pain for 6 months! I went to chiropractic and he told me that I have tense breathing. When I breathe out, I tend to hold my breath and the airflow from my lungs isn't smooth. 

So he told me to take a deep breath regularly. 

Count to 10 and breathe in. Count to 5 to hold it, then count to 10 again to breathe the air out. 

It takes practice! But after learning it, it felt so good! Like the tension is released! 

So have that habit of releasing the tension by breathing in and out!

You know, as I mentioned, there will always have a problem. And, we cannot control everything around us. 

But you know what? God is in control! 

God created everything around us! Even the air that we breathe! So God will always be there to hold us and keep us in His arms because He created us in His likeness. 

Be warrior! Not a worrier!

Worrying is actually a normal feeling. It's innate in humans. 

But, worrying will lead us to negative thoughts and thinking. It clouds our minds and gives us an unclear mindset. 

Let us be a warrior to stop worrying!

Being a warrior means not giving up... Not being negative... but being positive! 

Being a warrior means not fighting but facing challenges and thinking that we can do tough things! 

In the Bible, God mentioned not to worry several times. 

So that means, God is in control! 

We have God beside us to always show us that there is hope against all odds. 

You are Amazing!!!

What does it mean to be an amazing person? 

It can have plenty of definitions. Depending on your outlook on life. 

You can be amazing in your physical appearance, amazing in how you treat other people, amazing in your studies, or amazing as a mom or dad. 

You are amazing when you think of yourself as a success in whatever aspect in your life. 

You are amazing when you overcome an obstacle or hardship in life.

You are amazing when you treat other people kindly. 

You are amazing physically! 

You are amazing in every way!

God created us in His likeness. If God is amazing (and he is beyond amazing... no extravagant word can even describe how amazing He is!) we are also amazing because He created us in His likeness. 

Surround yourself with positive people and you will become positive too!

Are you familiar with the quote "Birds of the same feather flock together?" 

Well, it is also the same concept as staying with positive people and you will become like them. 

In life, we tend to follow those who influence us. 

If you surround yourself with negative people, they tend to influence your mind and you will have the same mindset as them.

If you surround yourself with positivity, your mind would cling to positivity too. 

Not only that you can surround yourself with positive people, you can also get positive vibes from motivational speakers on Youtube or on Facebook!

Surround yourself with life quotes like this because it puts your mind to positive thinking. 

Dream big!

Your mindset is powerful. 

Einstein even said that "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Dreaming is being imaginative. 

There is no airplane if someone didn't dream of flying in the sky. 

There is no fluorescent light if someone didn't; dream of having an electric light. 

There is no wireless cellphone if someone didn't dream of having any wire on the phone. 

Everything comes from imagination and dreaming. 

if you want to dream, dream big. It is free! 

If you dream of something, your mind works to get it. 

That is law of attraction. 

Successful people didn't become successful if they didn't dream big. 

So start dreaming big! It's free anyway. 

If you want a copy of all of these quotes in a PDF file, grab it down below! It's free anyway!

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